Aegis Oil has now determined...
...that what little spillage there was
in this accident...
...was contained so effectively
by our environmental-impact crews...
...that only minimal disruption
of the area's ecosystem will result.
What do you mean by "minimal"?
According to our analyst,
the presence ofpetroleum by-products...
...and other toxins in lnulat Cove
will be back down to acceptable levels...
...according to EPA guidelines...
...within three months.
So, by the time your next fishing season
starts, the cove will be back to normal.
-There'll be a written statement.
Things won't ever be the same.
Aegis Oil always wants to talk about...
...acceptable levels of this
and acceptable levels of that.
But the people want to talk
about the poisons in their environment...
...that weren't here
before Aegis Oil came to town.
We want to talk about the increased rates
of skin cancer...
...women who fail to ovulate.
And when they do,
they give birth to abnormal babies.
That's what the Tribal Council wants
to talk about.
Is this the same Tribal Council...
...who sold its oil and mineral rights
to my company 20 years ago?
Thank you very much.
The same Tribal Council
that will get those rights back...
...12 days from today when you don't make
the start-up deadline for Aegis-1.
We'll make the deadline.
We'll see about that, Mr. Jennings.
Is that a threat?
Blood of our people is upon you,
Mr. Jennings.
-What is it, Liles?
-It's oil.
Thank God.
This is a new fucking suit!
You see that insane woman?
Ruined a perfectly good suit.
I'm just appalled at these people.
They're animals.