This is my father.
Tell him...
...my name is Forrest.
And he's Silook.
Thank you...
...for rescuing me.
He says it was nothing.
He thought you were a bear.
He still thinks you might be a bear.
He hasn't decided yet.
You tell him...
...l'm a mouse...
...hiding from the hawks...
...in the house of a raven.
He says that's just what a bear would say.
He says you sound like a bear too.
There's no sign of him yet, sir.
I can assure you we've been over
every inch of ground up here.
Frankly, I don't see how
he could've survived that explosion.
Ifyour goddamn cleanup goons
haven't found his body...
...then the son of a bitch is alive.
Find him, goddamn it. Do not fail.
Yes, sir. We won't.