Hey, brother.
Hey, brother.
Whatever's on this disk
is what Hugh died for.
These are the pressure readings
from Aegis-1.
The whole goddamned platform is
a time bomb.
As soon as that thing gets on-line,
it's gonna blow.
It just won't take the pressure.
But what doesn't make sense to me...
...is these other wells.
You see these high levels
of benzine and toluene?
They're five, ten times
what they should be.
Deep-well injection.
That's what I think.
They'll play a well out for all it's got.
Then they take the deadly toxins
they have from everywhere else...
...they'll reverse the pumps,
blow it back in there, top it off with crude.
Or they'll broker the space
to another company.
This is just one of the many little activities
that Jennings uses to...
...finance Aegis-1 and the rest
of his dog-shit empire.
It's like I always say...
...we gotta blow it...
...and we gotta blow it now.
Blowing up Aegis-1 is not the answer.
There are enough dead bodies.
Let's leave it to the authorities.
I know the press. Let's contact the press.
Haven't you learned anything
from my father?
What do you want me to learn, Masu?
Do you really think that this hocus-pocus
spirit stuff is gonna help us now?
What do you think, an angel will
miraculously come down out of the sky...