Whining minorities
run the student government.
And you can't even
coerce a woman into having sex...
without being
brought up on charges.
What is this world
coming to? Really?
Come on. Let's go.
My pappy'd puke ifhe saw
this bunch ofbug- eyed toads...
chasing a scrap
of plastic around.
Hey, ponytails.!
You suck.!
[Chuckles Nervously]
We're gettin' housed here,
I say we bring in
- Whoa!
- [Together] Blotter.
[Hippies, Dreamily]
- [Loud Whistle]
- [Barks]
****[Rock Resumes]
- [Chattering, Shouting]
- Yeah! Whoo-hoo!
Yeah, Blotter! [Laughing]
You're just buggin' me!
Uh-oh. This is me.
I'm going in, coach.
- Cover me, man.
- Yeah, yeah, whatever.
Sam? Hey! Wow.
What are the odds?
Two times in one day.
- What's come over you?
- I don't know. Must be hormonal.
What the hell is he doing here?
Afternoon, ladies.
Looking good out there.
- Yeah, whatever.
- Jerk.
They're not gonna castrate me
for sitting here, are they?
Yeah. That's what they got
planned for halftime.
- [Gasps]
- Ohh!
Now look who it is.
- Meat-tosser!
- [Whining]
[Shouting, Yelling]
[Tom Screaming]
Jesus Christ. [Chuckling]
I know that kid.
What is he doing?
- I'm open!
- Aaah!
- Hey!
- [Shouting, Yelling]