[Mersh] He comes over, man,
smokes two major bong loads.
He knows how to carve
and everything!
[Hippie] Loads the size
of your head, man.
I... I didn't exhale?
- Works for me! Good answer!
- Whoo!
- [Coughs]
- [Gavel Bangs]
Oh, man,
what a nightmare.
Oh, man.
Oh, shit, the beer!
Oh, shit!
Oh! Oh! Oh!
[Garcia- Thompson]
I think Bisexual Asian Studies
should have its own building.
The question is,
who goes?
The math department
or the hockey team?
- Excuse me. Andrea, the members...
- It's Andréa.
I think hockey.
Call me about it.
The board of trustees
is very concerned...
about the state of unrest
among the students.
There has been a protest
on this campus every day...
and frankly, we're sick
of all the bad publicity.
Oh, really?
We're particularly concerned
about tomorrow's bicentennial.
It will be the most highly attended
alumni event in years.
Gentlemen, relax. Tomorrow's ceremony
has been planned to perfection.
And as for the students,
I have a special surprise for them.
What are you
talking about?
I'm going to announce the changing
of the school mascot...
from the offensive
Port Chester Indian...
to an endangered specie.
meet our new mascot...
the Port Chester
Whooping Crane.
No! Wait! No!