- [Shouting, Yelling]
- Yeah, that's right, man.
All right, sit down.!
Okay.! Okay.!
Hold on a second,
I understand
you all met Tom.
- Yeah, yeah, I fucking met Tom!
- He snagged our disk!
I know, and he's
gonna pay for it.
Moles, take him downstairs
and beat the shit out of him.
- Yeah!
- Sorry, kid. You heard the man.
- No, no, not that!
- Okay, justice has
been served, everybody.
- You can go home.
- [Shouting, Grumbling]
Wait. If you guys
aren't doing anything tonight,
we've got George Clinton inside.
- [Crowd Exclaiming]
- He's tuning up on the main stage.
- Sounds like another one of
the white man's lies to me.
- [Shouting In Agreement]
- ****[Continues]
- [Woman] Hey, check it out.
Or maybe not.
Let's check it out.
Hey, wait a minute.
What about us?
Yeah, that little dork tripped on
the main plug and lost all our theses!
Okay, that's no problem.
You guys come with me.
The rest of you, five bucks a head,
the line forms to the left.
Okay, what's your major?
- Um, particle physics.
- Ooh, that's a tough one.
Let me see... Ooh.
"Motion of Helium Atoms
In An Excited State."
Watch out. It's a scorcher.
- Next.
- Uh, Sanskrit.
Sanskrit. You're majoring in
a 5,000-year-old dead language.
Okay... Ooh.
It's the best I can do.
- Next.
- Phys Ed.
Phys Ed. Okay, you're out of my room.
Seriously. Get out.
- [Microphone Feedback]
- Hello, Port Chester University.
[Hooting, Cheering]
This is...
George Clinton.
George CI-Clinton...
Parliament Funkadelic.
And the Parliament
- [Cheering Continues]
- ** [Funk]
All right, man.