- ****[Continues]
- All right, sisters,
we've had a mild setback.
But we've regrouped.
Let's mobilize.
- ****[Continues]
- Isn't this George Clinton?
No. Couldn't be.
It's gotta be a cover band.
He'd never play the Pit.
It does sound like him...
Guys, I think we should
bag the protest.
- [Gasping, Shrieking]
- What?
But, Sam, their party flyer promotes
the objectification of women.
But they've also got
a really kickin' party going on.
That's great, Sam.
Why don't we just forget about fighting
the phallacracy for a few hours...
and go have
a good time?
- Right?
- Exactly.
- Excuse me.
- [Woman] Come back.! You can't go.!
How can she
leave us?
We're locked in!
[Breathing Heavily]
I'm a black man. There's nojustice
for me here in America.
I should be at the front
of the line.
Yeah, well, I'm gay and subject
to ridicule and discrimination
wherever I go.
Women are oppressed
throughout the world. Give it a rest.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Thank you. Thank you very much.
Hey, Moles.
How are we doin'?
Got about a thou here,
plus I got Cecilia on the other door.
What other door?
- Hold it! One or two?
- What?
- One or two?
- [Scoffs] Two.
Four bucks.
Four bucks.
Light a match.
Gutter, take the can, will ya?
Take the can. Two to stand, four to sit.
Hey, hey, hey!
Not so fast, superguy.