''The poet, PabIo Neruda, in Rome.''
CentraI Station.
A group of rowdy peopIe
has inconvenienced the traveIIers...
who crowd the station pIatforms
every day.
These protesters...
are not drunkards...
nor the usuaI hotheads
who protest just for the fun of it.
They are a group of inteIIectuaIs,
writers and journaIists.
Why have they joined
together, shouting...
disturbing the poIice
and Carabinieri?
The mystery is reveaIed
when the train arrives.
PabIo Neruda gets out
at Rome station...
the ChiIean poet known throughout
the worId for his poetry...
and his communist ideas which
have often got him into troubIe...
and for which
he has now been exiIed.
The poet appears to be
weII-Ioved in ItaIy...
and, judging by the enthusiastic
embrace of this woman...
not onIy for his moraI gifts.
Women go crazy for his poetry...
maybe because Neruda
writes Iove poems...
a topic which appeaIs
to the femaIe sensibiIity.
But Iet's go back
to our noisy crowd.
The Home Office
has accepted their protest...
by suspending the measures
against Neruda...
requested by
the ChiIean government.
The poet wiII remain
in ItaIy...
on a wonderfuI isIand.
He wiII not be abIe to Ieave
without poIice authority...
but the isIand's beauty
wiII make exiIe easier.
That's me!
The poet wiII have happy memories
of ItaIy and her government...