which is hosting him in a pIace
which wiII remind him of home.
This cozy house
surrounded by nature...
wiII certainIy make him
feeI at home.
''Wanted: Temporary Postman
with BicycIe''
You, Anita Scotto,
are the sender.
This is your son's name, right?
I've come about the job.
Right, wait.
And this is the city.
Are you sending him capers?
He'II be pIeased.
Are you iIIiterate?
No, I can read and write.
Not very fast, but--
Sit down.
I need someone to deIiver maiI
to CaIa di Sotto.
That's great.
I Iive there.
There's onIy one addressee.
OnIy one?
Everyone eIse there is iIIiterate.
I'm not iIIiterate, but stiII--