I am tired of being a man...''
What's the matter?
Don PabIo?
You're standing
as stiff as a post!
NaiIed Iike a spear?
No, immobiIe Iike the castIe
on a chess board.
StiIIer than a porceIain cat.
EIementary Odes isn't
the onIy book I've written.
I've written much better.
It's unfair of you to shower me
with simiIes and metaphors.
Don PabIo?
What are those?
Metaphors are--
How can I expIain?
When you taIk of something,
comparing it to another.
Is it something...
you use in poetry?
Yes, that too.
For exampIe?
For exampIe...
when you say, ''the sky weeps,''
what do you mean?
That it's raining.