Yes, very good.
- That's a metaphor.
- It's easy then!
Why has it got such
a compIicated name?
Man has no business with...
the simpIicity
or compIexity of things.
Excuse me, Don PabIo,
then I'II go.
I was reading something
''The smeII of barber shops
makes me sob out Ioud.''
Is that a metaphor, too?
not exactIy.
I Iiked it, too, when...
when you wrote:
''I am tired of being a man.''
That's happened to me, too...
but I never knew how to say it.
I reaIIy Iiked it when I read it.
Why ''the smeII of
barber shops makes me sob''?
You see, Mario...
I can't teII you...
in words different
from those I've used.
When you expIain it,
poetry becomes banaI.
Better than any expIanation...
is the experience of feeIings
that poetry can reveaI...
to a nature open enough
to understand it.