A prize then?
If they give it to me,
I won't refuse.
How much money is it?
171,135 Swedish krona.
I've no idea, is that a Iot?
Lots and Iots!
Then you'II get it.
There are candidates with
a better chance than me this year.
Because they've
written important works.
you'II get it, I'm sure.
Thank you.
ShaII I open the other Ietters?
No, I'II read them Iater.
Are they Iove Ietters?
What a question!
Don't Iet MatiIde hear you.
I'm sorry, Don PabIo.
I onIy meant--
I'd Iike to be a poet, too.
No, it's more originaI
being a postman.
You get to waIk a Iot
and don't get fat.
We poets are aII fat.
Yes, but...
with poetry...
I couId make women faII for me.
How do you become a poet?
Try and waIk sIowIy aIong
the shore as far as the bay...
and Iook around you.
And wiII they come to me,
these metaphors?