Don PabIo, if--
I don't want to bother you, but...
can you write me
a poem for Beatrice?
I don't even know her!
A poet needs to know
the object of his inspiration!
I can't invent something
out of nothing.
I've got this IittIe baII...
which Beatrice put in her mouth.
She's touched it.
So what?
It might heIp you.
Look, Poet...
if you make aII this fuss
over one poem...
you're never going
to win that NobeI Prize!
Mario, pinch me and wake me
from this nightmare!
What am I supposed to do?
No one eIse can heIp me.
They're aII fishermen here!
What am I supposed to do?
Fishermen faII in Iove, too!
They are abIe to taIk
to the girIs they Iove...
to make them faII in Iove, too,
and marry them.
- What does your father do?
- He's a fisherman.
He must have spoken to your mother
to get her to marry him.
I don't think so.
He doesn't taIk much.
Come on, give me my maiI.