his eyes red from the dust.
He stretched out
his caIIoused hand and said:
''Wherever you go...
speak of this torment.
Speak of your brother
who Iives underground...
in heII.''
I feIt I had to write something
to heIp man in his struggIe...
to write the poetry
of the mistreated.
That's how ''Canto GeneraI''
came about.
Now my comrades...
teII me they have managed to
get it pubIished secretIy in ChiIe...
and it's seIIing Iike hot cakes.
That makes me very happy.
I toId them I'm here with
a friend who wishes to say heIIo.
And teII them something nice
about this beautifuI country.
- Good morning.
- No, in there.
Something nice about the isIand?
Yes, one of the wonders
of your isIand.
Now Iet's go to the inn...