Good morning, signora.
- WouId you Iike--
- Yes.
PIease, sit down.
No. What I want to say is
too serious to say sitting down.
What is it about?
For over a month...
Mario RuoppoIo has been
hanging around my inn...
and he has seduced my niece.
- What did he say?
- Metaphors.
He's heated her up
Iike an oven with his metaphors.
A man whose onIy capitaI
is the fungus between his toes!
And if his feet are fuII of germs,
his mouth is fuII of speIIs.
It started off innocentIy enough:
''Her smiIe was Iike a butterfIy.''
But now he's saying her breast
is Iike a fire with two fIames.
But do you think...
that these images are onIy
his imagination or that--
Yes, I think he's had
his hands on her.
Read this.
It was in her brassiere.