The poetry wiII have Ieft
the mark of its seditious saIiva...
on the virgin's nippIes.
The poet Francois ViIIon
was hung from a tree for much Iess...
and his bIood gushed
from his neck Iike roses.
I don't care. She can do
what she wants. I'm ready.
Good Iad! It's a reaI shame
we haven't got...
a trio of guitarists to go...
My dear poet and comrade...
you got me into this mess,
you've got to get me out of it.
You gave me books to read...
you taught me to use my tongue
for more than Iicking stamps.
It's your fauIt if I'm in Iove.
No, this has nothing to do with me.
I gave you my books...
but I didn't authorize you
to steaI my poems.
If you think you gave Beatrice
the poem I wrote for MatiIde--
Poetry doesn't beIong to those
who write it, but those who need it.
I appreciate that highIy
democratic sentiment.
Now go home and get some sIeep.
You've bags under your eyes
as Iarge and deep as soup bowIs.
This is for you.
Vote for Di Cosimo.
They promised us running water...
on the isIand two years ago, too.
Two years ago, it wasn't
Di Cosimo who promised you.
What's written on that paper
is a pIedge, not a promise.
An oath, and God is my witness.
Hey, Mario!
Aren't you interested
in what I'm saying?