as your superior I must order you
to deIiver the undeIivered maiI.
Yes, yes, yes.
But you're stiII
moping after that girI.
Beatrice is pretty now...
but in 50 years
she'II be as ugIy as the rest.
Beatrice wiII never be ugIy.
I heId the spIendor of your eyes...
secretIy within me,
bIissfuI Beatrice.
What's Beatrice got to do with it?
It's a poem.
Dante AIighieri--
No, GabrieIe D'Annunzio, my poet.
Your poet wrote something
for Beatrice?
I don't Iike it.
Strange, I thought you'd
appreciate a hymn to Beatrice.
Thank you. Good-bye.
- SIeeping Beauty...
- Good evening.
Good evening. Give the MarshaI
his usuaI, and pour one for me, too.
Thank you.
Your niece gets
more and more beautifuI.
If you onIy knew how difficuIt
it is to keep a hoId on her.
Young peopIe today
aren't what they used to be.
They have everything
and want the moon.
I remember my poor departed mother.
I'd trembIe whenever she spoke.