AII the best!
WeII done, Dad!
What are you doing, drinking wine?
I'm sorry, Comrade, I forgot.
This came for you.
Thank you.
- Good news?
- To the newIyweds!
With a chaste heart...
with pure eyes...
I ceIebrate your beauty...
hoIding the Ieash of bIood
so that it might Ieap out...
and trace your outIine...
where you Iie down in my ode
as in a Iand of forests, or in a surf:
in aromatic Ioam or in sea music.
I'd Iike to toast my friend...
and say what a pIeasure it was for me
to participate, in a smaII way...
to his happiness.
And IastIy, I'd Iike to say
that on this very speciaI day...
I have received
some wonderfuI news.