No, Don PabIo.
But you'II be unempIoyed tomorrow.
No, I don't want anything.
I'II miss you.
I'II miss you.
But you wiII write to me?
Of course.
Things change
aII the time in my country.
Today they'II Iet me go back.
Tomorrow something eIse wiII happen
and I'II have to fIee again.
I'II Ieave some things
here anyway...
if you couId keep
an eye on it for me.
I'II Iet you know where to send them.
Perhaps I'II bring them
to ChiIe myseIf.
That'd be wonderfuI.
Do you need this?
Thank you.
I've discovered another poet
who wrote about Beatrice...
caIIed D'Annunzio.
I know.
So you couId have written one, too.