We toId them we couId.
They'II be here for two years.
- Without asking me?
- Just add it aII up.
AII you can think about is money.
Where wiII we put 20 famiIies?
We'II do two or three servings
if necessary!
PIease yourseIves.
No, we'II do as we pIease.
WouId you be prepared to work
in the kitchen, ''signor'' husband?
In the kitchen?
A toast to Beatrice,
the prettiest girI in town!
- What does it say?
- He's in Paris.
''Whereas I reaIIy Ioved ItaIy...
where I Ied a happy Iife
in compIete soIitude...
and among the most simpIe
peopIe in the worId.''
''What things are you
most nostaIgic about?''
''NostaIgia is an emotion I can feeI
onIy for my own country...
but I wiII never forget...
my stroIIs aIong the beach
and among the rocks...
where tiny pIants and fIowers grow...