Postino, Il

exactIy the same way
as in a Iarge garden composition.''

Go on.
That's it.
He doesn't mention us.
Why shouId he mention us
in an interview?

He's a poet.
Poets taIk about nature...

not about the peopIe they meet.
The bird that has eaten fIies away!
I bet he doesn't even remember
what we Iook Iike.

The Christian Democrats have been
victorious in every region.

The party chairman
has expressed his satisfaction.

They haven't managed it.
What? They've taken
every region in ItaIy.

They can't do anything
with a handfuI of votes!

They've won a battIe,
but not the war.

So we'II win the war?
Who eIse?
But we have to fight,
and we wiII fight!

It's the onIy way to break
our chains and set ourseIves free!

Yes, but here...
when we've broken our chains...
what do we do then?
If Don PabIo couId hear you,
he wouIdn't approve.

Don PabIo.
Don PabIo can't hear me.

Who knows where he is,
what he's doing?

What's with these Iong faces?
Mr. Di Cosimo,
this is a tragedy for us.

We were counting on
those two years of work.

We'd made pIans,
run up debts even.
