I know, it's a shame to Ieave
the work haIf-compIeted...
but we hope to start again soon.
Soon? When?
I don't know.
It depends.
But I assure you it won't be Iong.
Anyway, I can't wait
to try out your cooking.
What does it depend on?
Company probIems
are very compIicated.
I don't know much
about company probIems...
but I'm not daft.
We aII knew that
as soon as you got eIected...
the work wouId come to a haIt.
That's true.
The husband's hot-bIooded.
If Don PabIo had been here...
maybe the eIections
wouId have gone better.
Mario, I have something
to teII you.
I'm pregnant.
- ReaIIy?
- Yes.
- You're reaIIy pregnant?
- Yes.
We have to Ieave here.
No one understands us here.
They're aII too ignorant.
We'II go to ChiIe, so PabIito
wiII grow up there, breathe poetry.
Don't you Iike it?
After Neruda. It'II be
a good omen for our son.