Pulp Fiction

- So that means that it could be
up to five guys up there ?
- It's possible.

We should have
fuckin' shotguns.

- What's her name ?
- Mia.

- Mia. How did Marsellus and her meet ?
- I don't know.

However people meet people.
She used to be a actress.

Oh, really ?
She do anything I'd have seen ?

- I think her biggest deal
was she starred in a pilot.
- Pilot ? What's a pilot ?

- Well, you know the shows on TV ?
- I don't watch TV.

Yeah, but you are aware that there
is an invention called television,

- and on this invention
they show shows, right ?
- Yeah.

The way they pick TV shows is they make
one show. That show's called a pilot.

Then they show that one show
to the people who pick shows...

and on the strength of that
one show, they decide if
they wanna make more shows.

Some get chosen and
become television programs.
Some don't, become nothin'.

She starred in one of the ones
that became nothing.

You remember
Antwan Rockamora ?

Half-black, half-Samoan.
Used to call him "Tony Rocky Horror."

- Yeah, maybe. Fat, right ?
- I wouldn't go so far as to
call the brother fat.

I mean, he got a weight problem.
What's a nigger gonna do ? He's Samoan.

- I think I know who you mean.
What about him ?
- Marsellus fucked him up good.

Word 'round the campfire is
it was on account of
Marsellus Wallace's wife.

[ Elevator Bell Rings ]
- So what he'd do ? Fuck her ?
- No, no, no, no, no. Nothin' that bad.

- Well, then what then ?
- He gave her a foot massage.

A foot massage ?
- That's it ?
- Mm-hmm.

Then what'd Marsellus do ?
Sent a couple cats over to his place.
They took him out on his patio.

Threw his ass over the balcony.
Nigger fell four stories.

He had a little garden down
at the bottom enclosed in glass,
like a greenhouse.

Nigger fell through that.
Since then, he kind of
developed a speech impediment.

- That's a damn shame.
- Hmm.
