- l've been working for the government.
- Oh.
- Not that it's permanent.
- Oh.
- Care to get behind
the wheel, Mr. Goodman ?
- Goodwin.
Just be careful
with the cigar.
Used to be a man drove the car.
Now the car drives the man.
Go on. Turn it over.
- Here ? ls it, uh--
- Go on. lt's in neutral.
[ Engine Humming ]
Listen to that power.
- This is the town for it.
- And with the new Bendix Electrojector,
we can rate this honey
up to--
- 390 horsepower.
- Correct to the hoof.
- lf my wife knew
l was here, she'd kill me.
- What a way to go.
- Yeah.
- l see you're admiring the seats.
That's pigskin
and calfskin.
Hand rubbed.
- Nicest piece of furniture
l own would be in the garage.
- Try the radio.
The only thing that sounds
better than the engine is the radio.
[ Beeping ]
The Russians have beaten
us into outer space.
You are listening
to the sound of Sputnik,
a satellite launched
this morning via rocket,
in orbit, right now,
directly over our heads.
A sound that says
all is not well with America.
America doesn't own
the 300.
[ ''Mack The Knife'' ]
Oh, the shark, babe
Has such teeth, dear
And he shows them
Pearly white
Just a jackknife
Has old Macheath, babe
And he keeps it
out of sight
You know
when that shark bites
With his teeth, babe
Scarlet billows
Start to spread
Fancy gloves, oh