''Hawthorne, Original Sin
and the American Experience.''
- Nixon is president ?
- Well, as silly as it sounds,
it changed my life.
- Was it the Hawthorne or the sin?
- Perhaps you'd like to meet
my son, the unmarried Van Doren.
- Oh, where is Charlie ?
- You're right again, Herb.
You got the first two parts correct.
Just three more for 11 points.
Excuse me.
Are you the son ?
- l'm Charlie. Pleasure.
- Elizabeth. The pleasure's all mine.
lt was a mare,
Mr. Barry.
How did he know that ?
- Oh, there you are.
- We're making our getaway,
Charlie, if you want a ride.
Have you ever watched one
of these quiz shows, Dad ?
The $64,000 Question
or Twenty-One ?
For $64,000, l hope they ask you
the meaning of life.
Okay, Herb, finally: Name the man
who loaned Paul Revere his horse...
for that fateful
midnight ride.
The horse.
Who loaned him the horse ?
- Okay, Herb, l'm afraid l'm going
to have to ask for your answer.
- Yes, Mr. Barry.
[ Kintner ] Look, just give him
what he wants. l don't want
to talk to these agency guys.
- So what do you want me
to do, Mr. Kintner ?
- You're a producer, Dan.
- Produce.
- [ Barry ] Would you
like more time, Herb ?
- Right.
- [ Herb ] lf l may.
Herbie's dead.
Larkin ?
Deacon John Larkin ?
That's correct for 11 points !
- [ Applause ]
- [ Sighing ]
- [ Fanfare ]
- All right, Herb, take a deep
breath and relax, will you ?
And we'll get back to the game
after this word from our sponsor.
Now, friends, l was just wondering,
what kind of a day did you have today ?
Did you greet the sunrise with plenty
of vim, vigor and vitality,
only to feel the wind go out
of your sails just after lunchtime ?
Do you find you're not having
as much fun as you used to ?
- This beats the subway,
huh, Mr. Stempel ?
- You said it.
- Hey, Dave !
- Hey, Herbie !
[ Cheering ]
You were the greatest
tonight, Herbie !