- Who was the captain of the Mayflower ?
- Christopher Jones.
- What year ?
- 1620.
Here's Mr. Moto !
[ Sports Announcer ] And we'll return
to Mr. Moto after this.
[ Announcer ] Will Herbert Stempel
become the first man...
to win over $100,000
on television ?
No, Herbert Stempel is not
going to win over $100,000.
Herbert Stempel
is going to take a dive !
Dad, the quiz is tomorrow.
lf you're gonna talk to the TV--
- All right, big shot. So who bought
Manhattan lsland from the lndians ?
- Peter Minuit.
- What year ?
- 1626.
- How much ?
- Twenty-four dollars.
[ Announcer ] ...this week
on Twenty-One.
- Now back to our program.
- This week on Twenty-One,
watch Herb Stempel be fed
to the Columbia Lions.
Watch Charles Van Doren eat his first
kosher meal on Twenty-One.
What are you doing ?
Why aren't you dressed ?
The child has to learn. The
child has to learn the depths
that humanity can sink to.
The tribes of
the lroquois League: Mohawks,
- Cayugas, Oneidas--
- Twenty-four bucks for Manhattan.
First the lndians, then us.
- What's eatin' you ?
- You know why they call them lndians ?
- Because Columbus thought
he was in lndia.
- Mohawks, Cayugas--
They're lndians because
some white guy got lost.
You're gonna give him your ulcer.
Let him grow up with his own ulcer.
- He wouldn't let me practice my drums.
- Who won Best Picture for 1955 ?
- Marty.
- Marty.
- Thank you.
- Well, what's the problem ?
- Lester, do me a favor.
Go in your bedroom, do your
homework, all right ? Hey, hey !
With your books.
Homework with your books.
[ TV Announcer Shouting Excitedly ]
- They want me to take a dive.
- What ?
They're going to ask me
what won the Best Picture for 1955,
and l have to answer
On The Waterfront.
They have to utz me
with a question any child knows.
H-How can they do that ? l thought
the questions were in a bank vault.