We're gonna put television
on trial. Television.
Everybody in the country'll
know about it.
- What do you have ?
- There's somethin' there.
Mr. Chairman,
l'll find it.
The networks,
pharmaceutical industry ?
Cosmetics ?
[ Chuckling ]
That's big game, son.
You don't go huntin' in your underwear.
Sir, l smell somethin'. At least give
me a chance to see what l can dig up.
Let me go up to New York.
[ Lishman ] Ya know, this isn't
some junket for you to stay in
a hotel and see a Broadway show.
l'm givin' you exactly one week to
find something. You get that ?
Unseal a presentment.
l don't know.
l don't know how you go about that.
l've never--
Oh, here you go.
Look at this.
Hasn't been a presentment under seal
in the State of New York since 1869.
That explains it.
- 1869 ?
- Yeah.
Counselor, l've reviewed in detail
the material submitted in your request.
A man's reputation
is coin of the realm to him.
l sealed this presentment...
to protect the reputations
of those unfairly implicated...
by a certain mentally
unstable finger-pointer.
That interest, along with
important issues of federalism,
dictate that l reject your committee's
request at this time.
[ Phone Ringing ]
Mr. Enright's office.
Mr. Enright ?
lt's Judge Schweitzer.
- Yes ?
- Hi. Miss Mitchell ?
- Uh-huh.
- My name is Richard Goodwin.
l'm with the Congressional Subcommittee
on Legislative Oversight.
We've been investigating
the quiz shows recently.
- Uh, l was wondering if l could
ask you a quick question.
- Oh ! l've got people.