- It's hard to say.
- The truth.
I would if I could, but the signs
are neither good nor bad.
- We should look again later.
- I must know when, Tupa.
Try something else.
The smoke.
Yes, Ariki.
Matua tane.
Your cousin Epe, by
My wife Auareipua,
Has fallen while training for
the Birdman competition.
That's his body lying
Before the ahu.
You must take his place.
It's what the signs command,
According to Tupa.
But I'm not ready yet.
I Know. But there's no one else.
They're all gone,
dead, except you.
So, Noroinia,
The priests of the Miru clan
Invite you to compete for
the first egg.
The first egg at Orongo
When Hotu Matu'a
Sends his birds
In the spring.
Will you swim for me
The Ariki-mau
The reigning Birdman?
Tell the other Long Ears
There's no use
Choosing swimmers,
Because Noro will win, making me
Birdman for the 20th year.
It's finished, Ariki-mau.
Will you give your approval?