Will you swim for me,
the Ariki-mau
The reigning Birdman?
Will you train me to compete
for the Birdman?
My daughter sits in
a cave for you.
You know the cliffs
- And currents better than anyone.
- Do I?
You trained my father.
Crazy Long Ear.
He won.
Y es, he did. Then one day he got
in one of my canoes
Sailed over
The horizon and never returned.
Got me banished here.
I'm not like him.
- I can see that.
- I'll give you
What you want.
Then make the forests grow back so I have
Wood to work.
And explain why Ramana's skin
is not good enough.
Will you train me?
No. You're too ignorant.
Who's there?
It's me.
No. Make.
How are you?
I'd love to stand up,
Move my legs.
- Did they feed you today?
- A little, yes.
I brought you something.
A yam!
I'm sorry there's not more.