But what if something
happens and he doesn't?
What if no Long Ear wins?
Imagine what would happen if a
Short Ear became Birdman.
Noroinia not win?
Why, that's like saying these great moai
Are nothing but big rocks.
What are they fighting over? -Food, I
I don't want to hear anymore.
I think you place too much
confidence in him.
Win or lose, he is the
next Miru chief
But, forgive me, sire
He is not cut from the same
stone as yourself.
He needs a strong hand, someone
trusted, like myself
To guide him in strange times
like these or, even
To replace him should
he suffer,
Say, some untimely tragic death.
Tell me I won't be
Just another skull under the ahu.
Tell me you won't be making
fishhooks from my thighbones.
The White Canoe
That's my destiny,
Isn't it?
- The signs are certainly there.
- Signs everywhere!
You said so yourself!
That ring around the last moon.
That strange taste in my mouth.
And now, I have told no one this
But each time I pee,
There is blood.
What can it possibly mean?
Wondrous things, Ariki-mau.
Coming soon, I'm sure.