Look, she's got real talent...
and I want to put her on staff.
I will not have
Miss Pierce on staff.
I will walk out of here
if that happens.
You watch.
OK, calm down.
It's no big deal.
We don't have to have her.
having to look...
at that girl's pointy
little face all day...
it would make me ill.
Just get rid of her...
like I asked you to do
in the first place.
...I'll get there.
If I don't know where to go,
I'll get there.
If I don't know...
Ten seconds...
nine, eight, seven...
six, five, four...
Is this a good morning or what?
Ha ha ha! Well, with us today
is Libby Kumbaugh...
the author of this book...
"Mommy, Why Do I Hate Myself?
for Parent and Child. "
-Good morning, Libby.
-Good morning, Grant.
Good morning! Now, Libby...
I'm concerned with self-esteem.
Personally, I've always had
an odd preference...
for very, very young girls.
Being a total prick...
...Iy pear, I...
Why don't we welcome
this audience again, huh?
Good morning!
I make more of a mess
than Ruby does.
Hi. You guys, we have to have
a family meeting.
Something's happened.
Oh, no! They've discovered
Nutrasweet causes you...
to grow a third eye.
Let me just say that
everything's gonna be fine.
it's not a big deal.
She'll just wear
a patch over it.
I'm working out a plan.
Yeah, there's
a surgeon in Paris.