OK, when I made this thing...
I kind of made
this promise to myself...
that I wasn't going
to think about...
where it was gonna end up
because I didn't want to...
commercialize it.
I think that's great.
I mean, I think
you should definitely...
not unintentionally
do anything...
that you're
not comfortable with.
I mean, not that I would
Well, plus
it's not done yet, you know.
Right. I know. I know.
It was just a stupid...
You know... I got to go
to New York on Wednesday...
for this huge
network meeting thing...
which is totally...
God, you would hate it.
I hate it. I just...
I just thought...
that they would freak out
over your tapes...
because they never see anything
that's really smart...
and has real...
you know, quality and is...
good, like you and your work...
and I know
I'm being selfish and...
Michael, um...
That is literally, literally...
the nicest thing
that anyone's ever said to me...
the sweetest thing that anyone's
ever said to me.
So, what are you doing
for the rest of your morning?
What am...
Oh, what am I doing?
What am I doing?
Ooh. Well, I have
a job interview.
Lelaina, this thing
is from 1988.
I know. Ha ha ha!
So you're, like...
six years late.
I thought the ad said
that this was a job...
for a production assistant.
Yes. You will be
assisting me...
in the production
of videotapes, all right?
You're going to make
copies for me... many copies.
Oh, is this like a...
like a pirate operation?
Do I look like a pirate to you?