Now, radio
is all instinct, Lelaina.
Do you know where
all the radio comes from?
The gut.
It's all in the gut.
Because when you think
on your feet...
got to go from your gut.
And my gut is telling me
that, uh...
this isn't gonna work out.
Maybe your gut's just saying
you're hungry or...
Oh, no, no, no, no.
It's telling me that, uh...
you're overqualified
for this job.
I'm really not that smart.
No offense, sweetie,
but you don't have...
any experience on a newspaper.
You're TV.
Well, I'm trying to make my
transition to print journalism.
Ah. Why?
Well, newspapers are
the last watchdogs...
of our... our government.
They enforce
the checks and balances.
And one half-hour of TV
only adds up to...
OK. All right.
Define irony.
Irony. Uh...
It's a noun.
It's when something is...
ironic. It's, uh...
Well, I can't really
define irony...
but I know it
when I see it!
Hey. Hey.
Oh, my god.
I've never been so glad...
to see anyone
in my entire life.
This day has been
the biggest nightmare.
I mean, these
job interviews, Troy...
the word vivisection,
a staggering understatement.
Can you define irony?
It's when the actual meaning
is the complete opposite...
from the literal meaning.
Yeah. My god.
Where were you
when I needed you today?
I... I should go.
Oh, come on. Isn't there
some statute of limitations...
for embarrassing incidents?