
Pooh, look, there's something here.
Dear visitors, sorry we missed you.
Gone out for a picnic.

Make yourselves at home.
Well, I suppose
we'd better not go in.

Let's sit over by the pond.
- Mrs Campion?
- Hello.

What? Ah! Sorry.
I was fast asleep there.
You must be Mr Lindsay.
Lindsay Campion, my wife Norman.

- Estella.
- Just out from England?

That's it. We arrived
just a couple of weeks ago.

So they weren't game to send a local?
Well, you...
you're exactly on our way.

Oh, well. I'm glad
you got here in one piece.

Excuse me, I gotta get back to work.
Giddy and Sheela'll show you a room.
You'd probably like to freshen up.

- We'd love to, thank you.
- Thank you very much.

- You take that for me...
- This way, ladies and gents.

Thank you. Lovely.
You'll have trouble sleeping.
She sleeps next door
and she snores terribly.

- I do not.
- She sounds like two possums mating.

That's so horrible and it's not true.
