
And the ships would be dashed
against the rocks

and the sailors dragged down
to a blissful death

with the voices of the sirens
ringing in their ears.

I think myths
are a bit stupid, really.

I'll be wearing this.
You know, you could pose, too,
if you like.

He always needs more models.
Go on, try it. Please.

There's some male ones too.
I don't think that's quite for us.
Well, you could always wear a dagger,
strategically placed.

Or a sword. Whichever you need.
And dinner's ready.

Oh, that's right.
I was sent to fetch you.
I don' people thinking
I'm like the other models.

I'm working here as a maid.
Mr Lindsay asked me to pose

and I said I would
if I could keep my clothes on.

Because I really think it's important
to keep one's mystique,

don't you, Mr Campion?
Is it Mr Campion
or Father Anthony?

It's, uh, it's Tony.
Do you think it's a sin...Tony?
I don't think there's anything sinful
about the body.

There's a tradition of religious
painting featuring the nude.

It's a question the artist
uses the body that's important.

So, do you think
Mr Lindsay's paintings are rude?

Some I think are profane.
Oh, that's good. I'm starving.
I only eat once a day
cos my mother's very fat

and it runs in my family.
You should see my grandpa.
He looks like the Michelin Man.

You know, the one
with all those tyres around him?

He eats like a horse!
He puts tomato sauce on everything.

It was a very enlightened society.
The artists made all the decisions.

That's why there's no record
of warfare
