One day, we're gonna tickle you...
and we're gonna keep tickling you
all over.
Stop it.
Look at her arms and legs.
Look at the goose pimples.
Sheela. Will you be quiet?
- Do you know who else will do it?
- Shut up.
- He'll be tickling you too.
- He will not.
He'll tickle you...there.
She'd burst.
Her insides would go everywhere.
Sea slugs do that.
When they get attacked,
they spit their insides out.
You can eat them and go all night.
There are islands
where the women gang up
and ambush their favourite men
and feed them
the longest sea slugs they can find.
And the men get so incredibly hard,
you can hang heavy clothes and jewels
from their erections.
- But doesn't it hurt?
- Excruciatingly.
Giddy's guts would be good for that.
They would not!
My giblets are pure and innocent,
like my mind.
Let's hope it's good news and
then we can get out of your hair.
- A couple heads more doesn't matter.
- That's very kind of you.
I suppose there's no point
in trying to prevail on you
to help persuade Norman just to
withdraw that particular picture?
- Mr Campion...
- Tony.
Have you actually seen it?
Yes, very briefly in the gallery.
I was the model for it, you see...
One, two, three, charge!