Stop it.
Stop it at once!
What do you think you're doing?
Go on, get off! Get off.
Go on, shoo, all of you.
All of you, go away.
What on earth was all that about?
They're just acting out
what their parents say -
Norman's the devil incarnate
and we're all witches.
Go on, now, shoo.
- You eat sheep poo!
- You disgusting things!
- How do I look?
- Very nice.
Can I wear it tonight? Pru and I
are going out with some blokes.
I suppose so.
Do you often try on other people's
clothes without asking?
All the clothes I've ever worn
are other people's.
- Is this the ship you came out on?
- Yes.
My dad was a sailor.
What does he do now?
He's dead.
I'm sorry.