- Here, here.
- May I answer that question?
- May I speak?
- Come in, boys.
- Evenin', all. G'day.
- Evening.
You're late.
We had to fix up...
a couple of flyblown sheep.
Did you wash your hands?
- Eww, it's horrible.
- It's only oil, honey.
It's sheep poo. You got sheep poo
in your fingernails.
It's OK. We'll be wearing gloves.
Well...better get going, I suppose.
See yous later.
- Good night.
- See ya.
Try one of these.
They're Turkish.
Don't worry, Giddy.
Your time will come.
- Any luck?
- No.
"Is there a Piglet
in the house?" said Pooh.
They're trying to shock us,
aren't they?
Well, church-baiting's
always been a popular pastime.
I got an awful lot
of it at university.
The atheists always think it's funny
to roast the dusty old Christian.
The great thing, of course,
is not to be too dusty.
You should have seen Lindsay's face
when I started quoting Joyce at him.
Something wrong, Piglet?