
on the street, in the marketplace,
even at the end on the cross.

"Where are you now,
you King of the Jews?"

they called out to Him in his agony.
In every age,
still more come forward

to scorn His name
and to defame His most sacred images.

But true Christians,
secure in their faith,

can identify such detractors
for what they are -

the disciples of the devil,
the destroyers of all
that is precious in family life,

the harbingers of darkness and chaos.
Please be seated.
- What on earth is wrong with you?
- Nothing.

What strange, deluded, conceited
creatures we human beings are.

We think we have secrets
but how can we have secrets
from God,

who knows our innermost thoughts
every moment of the day?

Giddy, what's wrong?
He's in the studio.
He's staying there tonight.

I'm going to seduce him.
