No, don't worry.
I switched her ringer off.
Good. Okay,
the physical evidence.
His footprints
were by the window...
his fingerprints were
on the glass, his pubic h...
- I know, Dad.
- Oh, Jesus.
He was at the window. He might have
even watched. But he wasn't in the house.
Yep, that's the key,
and you saw it.
There were none of
his muddy footprints in the house.
But don't say he wasn't in the house.
Say he probably wasn't in the house.
- Someone like him wouldn't have taken off his boots.
- Jesse.
You're right.
He probably wasn't in the house.
- Okay, what about the pubic hair?
- 742 cases since 1966.
Four were wrong.
Go to sleep, Jess.
- Okay, Dad.
- I love you, Jesse.
I love you, Dad.
Roxanne? Who's
the best forensic pathologist...
in Provo, Utah?
Dr. Mort Seger.
Well, get him on the phone.
Let's wake him up.
They look the same to me.
Are they?
I'd have to say that given the technology
available five years ago...
- they look pretty close.
- Yeah, but are they?
There's only one way for me
to make absolutely certain.
And I can't do that
at 3:00 in the morning.
DNA comparison, right?
Is there a bioimaging system in this hospital?
Yeah, I can scan the follicles.
But I can't get enough computer time
to give you an answer before 6:00 a. m.
Maybe I can help you out.
- Sir, we have a priority one request for a DNA database.
- Who's it from?
Special Agent Stephen Broderick,
via his home computer in Cleveland, Ohio.
- He wants it routed to Provo, Utah.
- Priority one?
- Yes, sir.
- Give it to him.