Slaughter of the Innocents

He pinned her down and opened her chest
with a nine-inch hunting knife.

He reached inside
and snapped off one of her ribs.

He took it with him.
The file's the file, Jess.
This is the real thing.

Never be ashamed of feeling how sad
and awful something like this really is.

And never lose the feeling
you have right now.

That's why it's so important
we find out who really did this.

I think maybe you
better wait outside, okay?

- Okay. Okay, Dad.
- Okay.

Gather the bones
of the innocents.! Sprinkle them with sage.!

Blow unto them
the winds of the storm!

Jesus, Jesse, you scared the shit outta me.
You're supposed to be outside.

Where'd you
come up with that?

I was thinking about what Bobby Martel
said about seeing God.

The killer was dressed like God.
Yeah, well, that happens.
The Son of Sam thought that God
was talking to him, only through a dog.

The voices sounded like Scripture.
- What do you got there?
- My Dataman.

What do ya mean, like a Walkman?
Yeah, it's like a Walkman,
except it's a computer.

It stores things, like encyclopedias,
dictionaries, the Bible.

Innocents, sacrifice.
Bring to life.
What's it say?
"Oh, ye dry bones,
ye innocent bones...

"hear the word of the Lord.
