
Officer Jack Traven.
Way to go, Jack.
Way to go.

- There we go. There we go.
- Harry, my man.

Oh, beautiful.
A toast to me.

- Make me feel good about myself.
- There you go.

Hey, Sandy! Here we go!
Okay, so how we do...

Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa!
I need a bib!
Here we go. All right.
- You can't take me anywhere.
- That's mine.

And here is to Harry.
For his quick thinking,
for his grace
under pressure...

and for his brave
and selfless act.

- Hear, hear!
- Hear, hear!

And to Jack...
for shooting Harry.

Something we've all wanted to do
for a very long time.

Hey, hey, hey!
Okay, no, no.
Here it is. Here it is.

Here's to you guys for doing
your job and for not getting dead.

- Mazel tov.
- Mazel tov.

I can't do that.
We are the two luckiest guys
in the world, you know that?

- We got the bad guy, and we didn't lose any civilians.
- Yeah, we're good.

- No, you were lucky.
- No, we were lucky.

You'd better understand it.
We were dealing with a total psycho.

This guy could've blown us up
at any time. Whew.

And I got a bullet in me.
Six inches off the mark, and
they're giving the medal to my wife.

Harry, come on, man.
I mean, we won, we got him.
