Something wrong with the
driver, that at least one car, a Jaguar,
has been driven off the road
by the speeding bus.
It appears it is somewhere
between Los Angeles...
The bus apparently came onto the
freeway at the Lincoln on-ramp.
It began picking up speed,
swerving and hasn't slowed down since.
Minutes ago, a Los Angeles
police officer boarded the bus...
by jumping onto it
from a moving car.
- Oh, would that be you, Jack?
- He doesn't seem to have been able to stop the bus...
- Where do we start?
- Check the speedometer.
Has it been fucked with
or loosened or any wires...
- See any wires or anything?
- Excuse me, ma'am.
- No, it's clean.
- Huh?
Then it's gonna be under the bus.
Probably it was rigged to one of the axles.
I can't get under the bus right now,
Harry. It's kind of in motion.
Excuse me. Excuse me!
Hold on.
There's an access panel
in the floor.
Underneath you, man.
All right, Harry, we're in.
Passenger relay. Sir!
Take this. I want you
to tell him what I see.
Okay! We got a wad!
Pretty big!
There's a pretty big wad.
- Brass fittings!
- Brass fittings.
- I think I can reach the circuit wire.
- He can reach the circuit wire.
No! No, no! D-Don't!
Don't do that!
- That's a decoy. Classic.
- That's a classic decoy.
- What else?
- What else?
- Hold on.
- Hold on.
Fuck me!
Oh, darn.
Harry, there's enough C-4 on this
thing to put a hole in the world.