Star Trek: Generations

Captain ...
I'd like you to meet the helmsman
of the Enterprise-B. Demora?

Ensign Demora Sulu.
It's a pleasure to meet you. My father's
told me interesting stories about you.

- You father is Hikaru Sulu?
- You've met her before. 12 years ago.

12 years? Incredible.
Congratulations. No Enterprise is
complete without a Sulu at the helm.

- Hikaru must be very proud of you.
- I hope so.

- I was never that young.
- No ...

You were younger.
- Damn fine ship, if you ask me.
- Scotty, it absolutely amazes me.

- What would that be, sir?.
- When did Sulu find time for a family?.

If something's important, you make
the time. Is that why you're so restless?

- Finding retirement a little lonely?.
- I'm glad you're an engineer.

You'd make a lousy psychiatrist.
- Gentlemen, if you'll take your seats.
- Yes, of course.

Aft thrusters ahead one quarter,
port and starboard at station keeping.

Captain Kirk, I'd be honoured
if you'd give the order to get underway.

- Thank you very much, I ...
- Please, sir ... Please, I insist.
