Data, you're not thinking
about using that thing, are you?
I have for many months.
In light of my recent episode,
now may be the appropriate time.
- It may overload your neural net.
- That is true.
However, my growth as an artificial
life form has reached an impasse.
For 34 years I've endeavoured
to become more "human", -
- to grow beyond my programming.
Still, I am unable to grasp
such a basic concept as humour.
This emotion chip
may be the only answer.
All right.
At the first sign of trouble,
I'll deactivate it. Agreed?
We found two dead Romulans. We'll
try to establish what ship they're from.
- But why did they attack the station?
- They practically tore the place apart.
Accessed the computer, turned the
place inside out, looking for something.
This could signify
a new Romulan threat in this sector.
- Inform Starfleet Command.
- You want me to contact Starfleet?