Captain ...
I can't go on. I wish to be deactivated
until the emotion chip can be removed.
- Are you having a malfunction?
- No, I just can't control these emotions.
I have nothing but sympathy for what
you are feeling, but right now ...
I no longer want these emotions!
Deactivating me is the only solution.
Part of having feelings is learning
to live with them, Data.
You will not be deactivated.
I require you to perform your duty
as an officer. That is an order!
I will try, sir.
Sometimes it takes courage to try.
Courage can be an emotion, too.
- Can you project the ribbon's course?
- I believe so.
Enhance Grid 9-A.
Where was the Amargosa star?.
The destruction of the star affected
the gravitational forces in this sector.
Did the computer project
the ribbon's course accordingly?.
No, sir. I'll make
the appropriate adjustments.
Soran's changing
the course of the ribbon.
But why change its path?
Why not fly into it with a ship?
Every ship that has approached the
ribbon has been destroyed or damaged.