Good evening, Sander Vanocurwith the GNT world news.
The civil war in Shadaloo mayhave reached a turning point.
The capital has just fallen.
Chun-Li Zang, GNT News.
AN forces are consolidatingtheir hold on Shadloo City, -
- after skirmishes to securethis key Southeast Asian port.
But they're not celebrating yet.
Defeating a rag-tagmilitia is one thing, -
- defeating the forces ofGen. M. Bison is quite another.
The Allied Nation forces knowBison is a power-mad dictator, -
- whose drug money has boughthim hi-tech weaponry -
- that some experts fearmay equal anything in the West.
It's been only 24 hours since thisdangerous, unpredictable warlord -