Sagat, Vega,
you are welcome to stay here.
I think you will find the coming
events most... educational.
General... what about them?
Take them
to the interrogation room.
They will talk...
or they will die.
Preferably both.
Take the "journalist"
to my chambers.
We've decided to grant her
a private interview.
Ken, Ryu, come with me.
We'll take care of you.
This way.
You'll dehydrate yourself.
- This sucks. They're good guys.
- Lately I don't feel very good.
An attack from the air
is impossible.
An attack from the air
is impossible.
The only chance is an assault
with a small amphibious force.
We attack from the north -
- while a single vessel equipped
with stealth technology -
- comes up this channel
and distract his defences.