Pulling a gun on me, huh?
You going to hurt me?
Hurt you? No, l`m not going
to hurt you at all.
l`m going to kill me
somebody tonight.
You`re right.
Somebody`s going to die tonight.
lt`s going to be you...
maybe all of us.
Let`s all die.
You`re a crazy motherfucker.
l`ll take this stick and ram it
up your ass, make a popsicle.
You ain`t shit.
You like beating up old people?
l can clock you in the head.
Let`s go see the devil.
Would you like that?
Man, get the fuck out of here!
Hey, man, you crazy!
And don`t come back, you hear?
l handled that.
Hop the fence and get the meat.
Aw, go fuck yourself.
Aw, shit.
We want to thank you, mister.
Want help with the fire?
No, that`s all right.