l say something wrong?
lt ain`t your fault.
Now, look, what`s done is done.
Blaming yourself for
what happened two years ago...
won`t change a damn thing.
-No, just starting.
l`m going to get you
on your feet again.
Ain`t nobody ever going to give
a break to nobody like me.
Fuck `em all,
and give yourself one, too.
lt`s up to you to get your life
back on track again...
not nobody else.
No matter what l do, somebody`s
going to knock me down.
Don`t let `em. Once you get
your confidence back...
you fight them
with eveything you got...
to hold on with.
l mean eveything.
You got all this philosophy.
What happened to you?
Aw, shit.
Last time l was on track...
l was still a virgin.
All this food seems to be going
to your head.
You getting sentimental, man.
God`s still constipated.